Friday, May 15, 2020

The Benefits of Working from the Office

The Benefits of Working from the Office â€" We live in a hyper-connected world. Technology enables us to work from anywhere. I am writing this article from my laptop from a public library. A friend of mine Rob is a programmer- he works for a Canadian Tech company but he lives works in Thailand However, I believe that in order to be most productive- it is imperative to work from the office Most of my very good friendships I have created have come from the places I have worked. We spend most of our waking hours in the office ,and overtime we create a bond with some of the people we work with. I can’t remember how many friends I have made working from home All the resources you need to do your job â€" technology and people will be at the office. Your employer provides you with a desk, a computer, the stationary, a kitchen. On the contrary, working from home means you are responsible for setting up your own office.If you live in a metro like Toronto or New York â€" good luck renting an apartment with an additional den But if yo u are a productive person As teenagers, we hated routine and we absolutely hated structure. We didn’t like to be told what to do we didn’t like to conform. However, things change as we get older and we enter the workforce.We need structure inorder to do our jobs properly. Having to go to an office gives you a pre-packaged structure. You get a sense of order in an otherwise chaotic world. You go to the office at a certain time and you leave at a certain time. I like a sense of structure in my days.In Feb 2013 Marrisa Mayer, CEO of Yahoo made headlines by banning Telecommuting at the company, asking employees to work from the office. In the memo, she argues that inorder to boost productivity , the employees need to work side-by-side. This sparked a lot of controversy in the days that followed. Almost, every article you read around that time was a criticism to that decision. Some even accused her of taking things back to the Stoneage. Seriously?A year after CNBC published an artic le about merits of her decision. Numerous studies have shown that it takes enormous discipline to work effectively from home. And employees are more productive when they spend most of the time working at the office.In the vast majority of cases,(unless you are super-disciplined) the merits of working from the office outweigh working from home.What are your thoughts?

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